Deepak Shrestha photo
We operate a telco-grade, international standard Internet Datacentre offering Nepal’s premier Cloud Services. IndiQus is more than just a vendor – they are a true business partner. They not only planned & built the Datahub cloud but also provide in-depth technology know-how & key go-to-market enablement to help us maximise our Return on Investment (RoI).

Deepak Shrestha

CEO, Datahub

Kathmandu, Nepal

1000+ Virtual Machines

Key Challenges & Drivers

– On-premise infrastructure mindset
– Security & privacy among top concerns
– Lack of access to technical talent
– Data localisation gaining traction


Subisu, one of Nepal’s largest ISPs, launched the country’s very first data centre business Datahub in 2011. With the aim of building private and public cloud services on top of the data centre, Datahub needed a technology and knowledge partner to take the service to market.


IndiQus delivered a fully secure, highly available and completely scalable public cloud for Datahub with the following highlights:

  1. Set up the first in-country public cloud in Nepal with 100% data localisation.
  2. Complete IaaS and SaaS marketplace to manage customer lifecycle and sell cloud services.
  3. Helped turn Datahub as Nepal’s top cloud provider offering not only compute and storage but also backup and DR services.


IndiQus designed the cloud architecture as well as the storage, compute & virtualisation platform. Furthermore, IndiQus also integrated Apache CloudStack to provide a graphical web interface to create VMs on custom templates & ISOs. IndiQus delivered a multi-tenant, high-availability Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud management platform along with a cloud orchestration layer, giving automation of the creation, provisioning and configuration of virtual machines & high-performance storage.

IndiQus continues to provide cloud and datacenter managed services support to Datahub with a 99.99%+ uptime and has already started the implementation of Datahub’s second region in the country. Additionally, plans are also underway to launch a complete XaaS solutions marketplace.

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